четверг, 3 мая 2007 г.

Sharing the Responsibilities - My Family's Guide to Summer Fun

I don’t know about you, but when summer vacation rolls around I get so excited about all the wonderful things I will get to do with my children. With all the free time, I begin making plans and writing down my intentions for summer fun. I try to include a variety of activities for my children to enjoy. These activities don't always have to cost a lot of money, but finding the time can be a bit challenging.

The daily routine of life can sometimes get in the way of my plans and my dreams can quickly deflate into reality. This summer is going to be different for my kids. I have a plan and this plan includes a bit of structure involving teamwork. All the responsibility isn’t going to rest on my shoulders to insure we get out the door in a timely manner. We will work together as a team and share the same interest of completing certain tasks so we can enjoy the rest of the day together.

Okay, so I’m dreaming again. But seriously, this can be done. Sure, it’s going to take a major overhaul in our attitudes to make this boat float but we can do it! Are you ready to hear my plan?

First of all, I have identified one of the major reasons why we don’t always get out the door. With four children, I have a lot of household responsibilities that can be shared with my daughters who are old enough to assist me. These chores will be delegated to each child on a weekly basis and must be finished first thing in the morning. I have found over the years that it is often easier to just do the job myself. This attitude needs to change on my part. Sharing the household responsibilities can be fun and is an investment in the future of my children.

Secondly, an allowance will be given on a weekly basis, provided the chores are properly completed. Whining is not allowed! The children will receive their allowances on Friday, with a certain percentage placed in their savings account and the rest to be used for entertainment.

This brings my to my third and final point. In the past, all expenses have been taken care of by me. With my new plan in place, the children will now be earning their own income to pay for their entertainment. Not only will we be able to actually get out the door because of our teamwork, but the kids will be earning their own spending money to pay for the fun things they want to do. If they don’t work, they don’t play.

My children will be learning to be responsible with the money they earn and will enjoy the freedom of being able to earn their own income.

Rather than just spending money randomly, my children will gain an understanding and appreciation for the value of a dollar. This builds character and is a life lesson that will be carried on into adulthood. Plus, we get to enjoy the summer sun and spend precious time together!

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