четверг, 3 мая 2007 г.

Sharing the Responsibilities - My Family's Guide to Summer Fun

I don’t know about you, but when summer vacation rolls around I get so excited about all the wonderful things I will get to do with my children. With all the free time, I begin making plans and writing down my intentions for summer fun. I try to include a variety of activities for my children to enjoy. These activities don't always have to cost a lot of money, but finding the time can be a bit challenging.

The daily routine of life can sometimes get in the way of my plans and my dreams can quickly deflate into reality. This summer is going to be different for my kids. I have a plan and this plan includes a bit of structure involving teamwork. All the responsibility isn’t going to rest on my shoulders to insure we get out the door in a timely manner. We will work together as a team and share the same interest of completing certain tasks so we can enjoy the rest of the day together.

Okay, so I’m dreaming again. But seriously, this can be done. Sure, it’s going to take a major overhaul in our attitudes to make this boat float but we can do it! Are you ready to hear my plan?

First of all, I have identified one of the major reasons why we don’t always get out the door. With four children, I have a lot of household responsibilities that can be shared with my daughters who are old enough to assist me. These chores will be delegated to each child on a weekly basis and must be finished first thing in the morning. I have found over the years that it is often easier to just do the job myself. This attitude needs to change on my part. Sharing the household responsibilities can be fun and is an investment in the future of my children.

Secondly, an allowance will be given on a weekly basis, provided the chores are properly completed. Whining is not allowed! The children will receive their allowances on Friday, with a certain percentage placed in their savings account and the rest to be used for entertainment.

This brings my to my third and final point. In the past, all expenses have been taken care of by me. With my new plan in place, the children will now be earning their own income to pay for their entertainment. Not only will we be able to actually get out the door because of our teamwork, but the kids will be earning their own spending money to pay for the fun things they want to do. If they don’t work, they don’t play.

My children will be learning to be responsible with the money they earn and will enjoy the freedom of being able to earn their own income.

Rather than just spending money randomly, my children will gain an understanding and appreciation for the value of a dollar. This builds character and is a life lesson that will be carried on into adulthood. Plus, we get to enjoy the summer sun and spend precious time together!

Mother's Day Decadence

You've done the flowers just way too many times and you know it. Mother's Day is a chance for you to really show your appreciation for the woman who invented you. Flowers seem to pale in comparison when you think about it that way!

So what do you do? How do you surprise the lady who brought you up and made you who you are?

We've said it before and we'll say it again – using your creativity will enable you to start thinking outside the box and really come up with something meaningful. Plus, a little decadence, whether it be expensive or just downright fun, doesn't hurt either!

If you and your siblings pool your money, why not send your mom on a cruise? A week of swimming, relaxing in the sun and reading to her heart's content would be an amazing gift, and it would be something she would never forget.

Or, what about buying her a month's worth of relaxation? Hire a cleaning lady to come in and take over the housework for her. Hire a caterer to drop off dinner twice a week. Sign her up for a few massages and a pedicure. Drop the dogs off to get groomed. Let your imagination go wild here, and try the gift of free time. Maybe you could also sign her up for a craft or educational class she's been wanting to take but just hasn't been able to make the time to do it. Now would be a great time for her to get started.

If your mom loves to garden, why not get her a bunch of new plants? And we're not talking Gerbera Daisies here. We're talking topiaries, Birds Nest Ferns, orchids, and other plants that will really make a statement indoors or out. Ones that are higher priced that she might not have splurged on for herself. Having a room full of beautiful plants is not only therapeutic, but it's healthy. You also could think about buying her an indoor water fountain to go in her new ‘conservatory'.

If your mom is a reader, instead of getting her a book or two, why not go big? Get her 15 or 20! If you know basically what she likes to read, spend some time in the bookstore and get her books in that genre. You might also want to pick up some that look interesting to you. This would be intriguing to her, as well as getting her out of her comfort zone. These could all be stacked up in groups of 5 and tied with some twine like old schoolbooks.

If your mom is the type with an adventurous spirit, why not get her a metal detector? Imagine her delight at going out on her own to look for treasures. If you're not careful, you'll be skipping out to go with her. You never know what you're going to find!

With a little advance planning you can come up with the perfect gift for your mom. All you need is a little ‘out of the box' thinking and some good old-fashioned creativity. No matter what gift you give, you can bank on the fact that your mom will love it (at least, she'll tell you that she does!).

Young Mother Has To Buy Her Home Two Times

Several years ago, a young mother (I'll call her Mary) and her children suffered a horrible tragedy. Mary's Husband had committed suicide. It was terrible. Sometime after the funeral when things had calmed down, Mary went to the Probate Court to probate her Husband's estate. Unfortunately, Mary's Husband did not have a Last Will And Testament. Without a Will, state laws say who gets what property of a deceased person. In Mary's state, if there is not a Last Will And Testament and there are children, then the children get part of the property. In this case, Mary's children got part of her home.

Mary loves her children and wants to make sure that they are provided for and that they have somewhere to live. The problem was that with the children owning part of the home, the home was "tied up." Mary could not sell her home if she believed that was the best thing to do or even if she had to sell it to avoid foreclosure. She could not get a mortgage loan to fix up the home because the children could not sign the mortgage or loan documents. Mary had an existing mortgage and she could end up paying 100% for the home, but owning only a portion of the home. To make matters worse, when Mary's children reach eighteen, if she and them had a dispute, they could force her to sell her home or buy their portion.

The solution was for Mary to go to Court and ask the Court's permission for her to buy her children's share of the home. It was cheaper to do it then than wait as the value of the home increased. The Court granted her permission to buy the children's' part, but required that she place the net proceeds for the children in an insured bank account and file an accounting every year with the Court.

Mary's situation was not unique. The failure of Mary's Husband to have a Last Will And Testament left Mary unprotected. Many women (and men too) find themselves in this very situation. All of the aggravation, time and money of having to get a lawyer and go to Court to get permission to buy back a home for which you have paid can be eliminated with a simple standard Last Will And Testament.

For your own protection, ask your Husband to make a Last Will And Testament leaving all property to you. And, while at it, why don't you make a Last Will And Testament protecting your Husband in case the unthinkable happens to you.

Don't wait. It is said that we are not promised tomorrow. The truth is that we are not promised the next moment.

The above information is general information only. For specific questions or clarification, contact a lawyer licensed in your state.

What Is The Early Ectopic Pregnancy Symptom?

Before discussing the early ectopic pregnancy symptom, let's know what actually an ectopic pregnancy is.

Ectopic Pregnancy

When the embryo develops outside your uterus, it is called ectopic pregnancy. Usually, the embryo gets implanted in your fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Such pregnancies are also known as tubal pregnancies. They can even occur at other pelvic places like your abdomen, ovary, or cervix and is diagnosed through the early ectopic pregnancy symptom.

Recognizing The Early ectopic Pregnancy Symptom

The following are the early ectopic pregnancy symptom that you may experience:

* Pain in the abdomen. This is usually at the lower part or on one side. * Vaginal bleeding. * Late or missed menstruation. * Passing of tissue from the vagina. As far as possible, you should try to keep the passed tissue for the doctor's examination. * Other usual pregnancy symptoms.

You can begin to feel the early ectopic pregnancy symptom before you miss your period.

Late Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

As the ectopic pregnancy advances, it may cause bleeding and rupture. You may experience:

* Unconsciousness or dizziness due to loss of blood. * Pain in your shoulders. The blood causes disturbance in the diaphragm, which, in turn, exerts pressure on your shoulder nerves. * Increased heartbeats. * Weakness * Bloating and hardness in the abdomen

You should not ignore the early ectopic pregnancy symptom and wait till the late ones arrive. It is very important that ectopic pregnancy be detected and treated early to save your fertility and your life. Moreover, the treatments are more effective during the early stage.

Therefore, as soon as you notice the early ectopic pregnancy symptom, you should call your doctor and be ready to head for the emergency room.

What Happens In The Emergency Room?

*Transvaginal ultrasound * Urine pregnancy test * Blood test (only if it is not possible to be detected through urine test). * Pelvic examination

Your doctor will make sure whether the early ectopic pregnancy symptoms are actually of ectopic pregnancy or other condition that also display similar symptoms.

Diagnosis Of Ectopic Pregnancy

The best thing to do is rush to your doctor as soon as you catch the early ectopic pregnancy symptom. Diagnosis is easier during the early stage. If the tube bursts, you may experience a strong pain in the abdomen and may even faint. This makes the diagnosis difficult. Moreover, you don't want to go through such a painful period, do you? Hence, be on the alert for early signs.

The early ectopic pregnancy symptom is your body's way of telling you that there is something wrong in there. Do not let it grow into a serious condition. Treat it fast.